Precision Proshop

Brunswick Bowling Products
DV8 Bowling
Radical Bowling Products
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Columbia 300 Bowling Products
Hammer Bowling Products
Ebonite Bowling Products

DV8 Poison Pearl

DV8 Instigator

DV8 Night Prowler

DV8 Verge

DV8 Frequency

Radical The Closer

The Closer is a modified, more continuous version of the original black Ridiculous, with one big twist, it’s wrapped with the solid Ai-39 cover – an aggressive resin designed to yield plenty of hook. Now you have a symmetrical ball with the big hook cover of the Squatch Solid and the hitting power of DynamiCore.

Radical Zing

We have increased the overall hook with the Zing! while maintaining the Radical backend motion. You will see the same dramatic motion change you’re used to seeing from a Radical ball. Utilizing the famous Forged 2 solid cover, you get Zing! off the spot and continuation through the pins.

Radical Squatch Solid

The Squatch Solid features the very aggressive Ai-39 coverstock. This cover adds more overall hook without sacrificing the Squatch backend reaction. The Squatch Solid also features the incredible DynamiCore technoThe Squatch Solid features the very aggressive Ai-39 coverstock. This cover adds more overall hook without sacrificing the Squatch backend reaction. The Squatch Solid also features […]

Radical Conspiracy Pearl

The Conspiracy Pearl uses the Conspiracy core and wraps it with the Forged 2 Pearl cover giving the Conspiracy Pearl more length and more angle down lane while maintaining the continuation that made the Conspiracy so successful.

Radical Conspiracy Hybrid

The Conspiracy Hybrid uses the same Conspiracy core and wraps it with the Forged 2 Hybrid giving the Conspiracy Hybrid a breakpoint and ball motion that fits perfectly between the solid and the pearl.